Place all the coins on the table, face down.​
Each player collects 3 coins of different colors, without flipping them.
The younger player starts.
The game proceeds clockwise.
The first player collecting 3 face-up stars wins the round.
In turns, each player must flip a coin from the center pool.
Every time a coin is flipped from the center pool, one of the following actions must take place, depending on the revealed face:

Return 1 of your face-down
coins to the pool.

Collect 1 face-down
coin from the pool.

Collect 2 face-down
coins from the pool.

Collect the coin and keep it
until the end of the game.

Return all your face-down coins to the pool, without flipping them.

Invert the direction
of the game.

Nothing happens.
Next player's turn.

Flip all your face-down coins,
one at a time. Keep any stars, but return all other coins to the pool.
The consequent action of flipping a star or a bomb are also valid when these are flipped from the player's own face-down coins.
If all coins in the pool are turned face-up, these must be flipped over and mixed up to reset the pool.
If there are no coins left in the pool, players must start flipping their own coins.
If a player has no coins and the pool is empty, they skip a turn.
The winner of the round starts the next one.
When you flip a bomb, return all your coins to the pool: including any stars you might have accumulated up to that point.
Version 1.2 - Last updated on February 27th, 2022
© 2021 28 Games by Marcos Bessa